Facebook is an excellent platform to begin marketing your shop. They have a multitude of tools that can help your business thrive and reach a new level of prospect customers. Learn some tips and basic practices to get you started in the most beneficial manner.
Facebook is the main means of communication in this day and age and it is very beneficial to learn to navigate this tool for your business’ best advantage. There are a variety of advertising tools and posting guidelines that can get you pointed in the right direct to reach as many prospect customers as possible.
Posts should be relevant to your company and what you represent. Not all posts should be strictly business oriented. The Facebook audience loves to see funny, interesting and informative posts. Videos also tend to do really well with the Facebook audience, especially with the emergence of Facebook Watch. You can also take advantage of stories on Facebook where you can share photos and videos, which this ensures that your following audience will see it. Your posts should entice the viewer to want to see more. Posts should be done at least once a day and more if you can. Be cautious that you aren’t overloading your viewers’ newsfeeds because this can become annoying to many and cause them to unfollow your page. Spread your posts out throughout the day and figure out what time of day more viewers are active. This will help you decide when is a good time to post every day. Changing your profile picture and cover photo often also grabs the attention of your audience and increases engagement. It keeps your profile up to date making it look active.

There are many advertising tools on Facebook that can fit nearly any budget. You are able to target specific audiences such as location, age, gender and interests. Ads are shown on all devices including mobile or desktop, and it only takes a few steps to get them up and running. Advertising helps you grow your reach beyond your current following base and helps you achieve you campaign goals. When running advertisements it is important to be authentic, understand your target audience and define a theme. Video advertisements seem to perform best, so consider making a video that fits your campaign. You can set up your ad based on your marketing objective including brand awareness, reach, traffic, engagement, app installs, video views, lead generation, messages, and more. Visit Facebook’s Business Page to learn more about how to use advertising.

Following Base
Your following base is crucial for engagement on your posts and for the growth of you page. Your followers are potential or current customers. These are the people that are engaging most with your content, and you want to keep their attention with interactive posts. Think about what this audience is looking for and watch your posts to see which receive the most engagement. To increase your following base, you can use things like Facebook advertising, inviting personal friends, or posting your posts, videos or articles on other popular hunting pages on Facebook to get the word out. The best posts to use for advertisement are the ones that already receive the most engagement.

Use these tips and maximize your efforts on Facebook to build a profile that represents your company. Make your page interesting and easy to interact with. Use Facebook advertising to broaden your following horizon using your best posts, videos or even coupons or promotions. Help your business thrive on a free platform with nearly unlimited options for growth.