It can be hard to keep track of your state’s specific hunting regulations, seasons, and products that can be used. Take a peek at this comprehensive guide on each state’s laws.
Hunting Seasons
Hunting seasons differ from state to state across the United States. Hunting Season HQ has made it easy to pinpoint all information regarding hunting seasons throughout the nation. This guide is sorted by animal, dates and hunting type (archery, muzzleloaders and rifle). CLICK HERE to pick your state of interest and learn all you need to know about hunting seasons.
State Hunting Licenses
In order to hunt legally, you must get a hunting license from the state where your hunt will occur. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has put together an interactive map that directs you to the proper website for each state to locate the best information about licensing in the state of your choice. CLICK HERE to start learning about obtaining a specific state license and learn about additional hunting regulations.
Deer Baiting by State
Lucky Buck has compiled an alphabetical list of states in the nation with information about state deer baiting regulations for each. Their list contains excerpts from state regulations on feeding and baiting deer. State guidelines are constantly changing, but this guide was last updated mid September 2019. CLICK HERE to read on state baiting guidelines.
Hunting Age Requirements by State
Taking children and getting them to fall in love with the sport of hunting is exhilarating. You may be wondering what the laws for hunting age in each state are as it varies by state. Some have no age requirements for big game hunting at all. Luckily, GotHunts has put together an alphabetical list of states and the age requirements for each state. CLICK HERE to learn more about regulations for young hunters.
Hunter Education Requirements
The International Hunter Education Association has compiled an alphabetical list of hunter education requirements for each state. Make sure you are hunting responsibly and obtain the proper education before going on your hunt. CLICK HERE to read about the different requirements per state.
Where to Hunt, Laws and Regulations, and More
The National Shooting Sports Foundation has put together information and resources about all things hunting for each state. They include information about licenses and permits, where to hunt, hunter education classes, laws and regulations and additional resources you may need to get started. CLICK HERE to view their abundance of hunting information per state.