“We are thrilled to support a great organization such as S3DA” says Sam Burgeson, President of Wildlife Research Center, “They do a tremendo job educating our youth in a sport they can enjoy a lifetime.”
“Wildlife Research Center is a new partner that I am particularly excited about because of the personal support I have received from them during my professional career,” says Jennie Richardson, Executive Director of S3DA. “Our research has proven that students who participate in S3DA want to bowhunt and take the appropriate steps to beginning that lifelong passion. Wildlife Research Center has a wide array of products to help hunters in the field through scent elimination, lures, and dispensation. I am confident that our students will be given the best chance of success in their hunting endeavors by utilizing these products.”
Started in December 2012 by the Scholastic Archery Association, S3DA has grown exponentially as a next step program to follow introductory programs offered as part of 4-H or the National Archery in Schools Program. S3DA addresses the need for a program to bridge beginning target archery experience and more advanced activities such as 3-D shooting and bowhunting. The program currently operates across the United States with hundreds of certified coaches serving thousands of young archers, grades 3–12. For more information on S3DA membership go to: WWW.S3DA.ORG or email: S3DArchery@gmail.com