• Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

2016 On Target for Life Superhero Award winner Scott ClelandThe 2016 On Target for Life Superhero Award winner is Scott Cleland from Kenosha Wisconsin. Scott has worked tirelessly on behalf of the students at the Brompton School. Below is an excerpt from his nomination illustrating the kind of impact he has made as a NASP® volunteer. Scott was recognized at the 2016 NASP® National Awards Ceremony in Louisville KY on May 14, 2016.

His nominators said, “Scott goes above and beyond any other person involved in the NASP® program at Brompton. He’s a coach, equipment repairman, salesman, and grant writer. There is very little that is done in this program that Scott is not intimately involved in. Without Scott’s dedication, our kids would not be nearly as successful as they have been so far in only our second year. His hard work, dedication and love of archery are evident in every aspect of the program.

He single-handedly built our current team of over 40 participants at the Brompton School in Kenosha. In the 2 years since the team’s inception, he has developed three different archery teams and the numbers continue to grow! All archery team members who went to the state tournament this year that had attended last year improved on their score – some as much as 100 points! Scott is a disabled veteran with multiple sclerosis and recently announced that the archery teams help him stay active and credited the children and their involvement in the team with keeping his health up by keeping him so active!

Many weeks Scott is at the school daily teaching archery. He has even started a family archery night as an opportunity to involve everyone in the school and to build interest in the program he loves and believes in so much. Beyond coaching, Scott has taken hours upon hours of her personal time to write grants and seek out sponsorship for the team so that we could not only have the equipment needed but expand our program as well.”

The National Archery in the Schools Program is proud to recognize Scott Cleland for his “Super” dedication to his local NASP® program. Because of Scott’s Superman status, Brompton School will receive a $500 Equipment grant from NASP® in his name.

For more information about the On Target For Life Awards go to:


Or email Dr. Tommy Floyd at: tommy.floyd@naspschools.org

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